YOU have only got YOU.

Hi guys.

How have you been since the last time?

I was experiencing what you call a writer’s block but I’m here now and I know you guys are expecting a bomb post. So let’s just move right into it, shall we?

You would agree with me that as an adult, the world that we live in has expectations from us.

We live in a time where there’s pressure everywhere, from work, home, society, family and even friends. This pressure comes violently and sometimes subtly. There’s pressure to reach set career goal, to get married, only to name a few.

Many times it can be overwhelming and no matter how strong you are, it can weigh you down and can be wearisome.

Are you of the opinion that you need constant cheers from the audience to keep going?

Are you so dependent on encouragements from loved ones or strangers even?

Trust me, getting the right words from loved ones can feel so good and make you want to push further. In fact, it is advisable to get or grow a good support system. You need people you can feed from and also pour into.

But, what happens when there are days where you’ll crave that word of hope so bad, you’ll look everywhere for the right words, you’ll ask the universe to just send you someone to make you feel better and you’ll still feel that emptiness even after they have tried to cheer you up.

Sometimes you’re lucky and your support system would be there to give you that hope you need, you might find it on a post or a blogpost. Other times which is going to be more than often, you have to encourage yourself to get back up.

Sometimes you need to lift the burden off your friends – you don’t want to be that friend that constantly withdraws from their emotional bank account.

From experience, I can tell that people would not always be there. You need to find that thing that can make you feel bubbly again. For me, it is listening to gospel songs, worship or a motivational sermon. Find what works for you. Different strokes for different people – if you like audio messages, there are tons of podcasts out there.

You need to come to that realization that only YOU would stand up for YOU as much as you’ll like. Remember, do not let discouragement and pressure rob you from enjoying today. Stir yourself up! You determine what you allow to distract you.

Be the light that is needed in this world. An attribute of growth is that you can still pour into the downcast and still be pulling through yourself. Instead of sulking, find someone to encourage. Encouraging someone lifts up your spirit too. “Losing your life” by choosing to serve or encourage others, even when you feel you have little to give, will fill up your empty spaces.

So hack numero uno would be: Find a way to encourage yourself when life goes haywire, you’ve only got yourself in this world. Only you can shape your life the way you want.

P.s if you feel like there’s nothing left in there, remember that when there’s life, there’s HOPE. God knows your name and He loves you like there’s no one else to love.

Pp.s Please feel free to share how you encourage yourself when you feel downcast.

Shalom brothers and sisters.

(Are you guys feeling this exit salutation or nah?)

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